Family & Domestic Violence
Family vs Domestic Violence: What’s the difference?
Family Violence occurs when there is abuse between family members, whether they share a home or not. Domestic Violence is the same abuse but between people who live together, whether they are related or not. The only difference between the two is the kind of relationship between the abuser and the victim.
Did you know that...
40.8% of Arkansas women and 34.8% of Arkansas men experience intimate partner physical violence and/or intimate partner sexual violence in their lifetimes.
18.6% of Arkansas women will experience stalking in their lifetime.
In a study of male same sex relationships, only 26% of men called the police for assistance after experiencing near-lethal violence.
Transgender victims are more likely to experience intimate partner violence in public, compared to those who do not identify as transgender.
There are 3.4 million children in the United States who live in homes where domestic or family violence is present.
Even children who are not physically or sexually abused are emotionally traumatized by witnessing their parents abuse.
To see more statistics on domestic violence in Arkansas, check out Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
So what makes for a “Healthy Relationship?”
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Ready to leave but don’t know where to start?
Take a look at our Critical Safety Questions to see if you would qualify for Emergency Shelter
If you are in danger, call 911. If you have questions or are ready to leave an abusive situation, call our 24/7 Hotline at 1.800.359.0056 to speak with an advocate.
Take a look at our Plan for a Safe Exit. We suggest giving us a call before coming to shelter so we know when to expect you.