Support Groups & Classes
Sexual Assault Support Group
Mondays @ 1:30-2:30pm
If you are interested in attending a class, call our office to register, or fill out the form below!
Parenting Classes - School Age
Tuesdays @ 5:30-7:00pm
For Parenting Classes for Teenagers or children aged Birth - Five, call our office to set up a time.
Domestic Violence Support Group
Thursdays @ 9:30-10:30am
Si usted esta interesada en asistir a clase, llame a nuestra oficina para registrar!
Let’s learn together
Ready to leave but don’t know where to start?
Take a look at our Critical Safety Questions to see if you would qualify for Emergency Shelter
Take a look at our Plan for a Safe Exit. We suggest giving us a call before coming to shelter so we know when to expect you.