Sexual Assault Response Center

I’ve experienced sexual assault…now what?

After you or law enforcement have called our 24/7 Hotline 1.800.359.0056, we will schedule a time for you to be seen as soon as possible, or as soon as you are ready.

Once you arrive at our facility, you will be able to wait in the front lobby with any support or law enforcement that has accompanied you. For confidentiality purposes, any person other than the survivor will be asked to wait in the lobby or to return once the exam is finished.

Once everyone is ready, the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (or SANE) and the Sexual Assault Response Advocate (or SARA) will bring you into our Soft Room to begin the three phase exam.

Here is what to expect.

  • Phase One - Interview

    The first phase consists of gathering general information about you and going over some paperwork with the SANE. Afterwards, you'll be asked about some details of the assault. You are able to give as much or as little information as you're comfortable with.

  • Phase Two - Examination

    The second phase is the medical examination, where the nurse will examine you for any injuries and collect any DNA that may be present. The SARA will be present to hold your hand and talk you through. If you would like to be tested for STD’s, the SANE can collect samples as needed.

  • Phase Three - Support

    The third and final phase consists of the advocate providing you with resources, including but not limited to:

    - Safe Shelter Options

    - Transportation Assistance

    - Support Groups

    - Counseling Referrals

  • You can change your mind, stop, or refuse any part of the exam at any time.

  • You are NOT required to report to law enforcement to undergo a Sexual Assault Exam.

Ready to leave but don’t know where to start?

Take a look at our Critical Safety Questions to see if you would qualify for Emergency Shelter

Take a look at our Plan for a Safe Exit. We suggest giving us a call before coming to shelter so we know when to expect you.

If you are in danger, call 911. If you have questions or are ready to leave an abusive situation, call our 24/7 Hotline at 1.800.359.0056 to speak with an advocate.