If you know or suspect that someone is in an abusive or unhealthy relationship and want to help, listed below are some things you can do:
Call 911 immediately if you see or hear an incident occuring.
Offer or promise them things unless you are certain you can follow though. The victims will need people in their life who are consistent and dependable.
Public ridicule by a partner
Give them our crisis line phone number
You are not alone.
Frequency and Severity: The abuse may occur over a relatively short period of time, or build slowly of a long period of time and it seems normal. The abuser may say, and the victim may be convinced, that this abuse will be the last time it will ever happen. Generally, the less severe and less frequent the incidents, the more likely a person is more likely to stay.
Childhood Experiences: People who grew up in a physically abusive household learned at an early age that it’s okay to hit someone you love when they’ve done something wrong. They were taught to never question authority or the man of the house. They were never allowed to voice their opinion and think they don’t have the right to speak up.
Economic Dependence: Some victims believe it may be worth putting up with abuse in order to keep financial stability. Economic conditions today afford a woman with children few viable options. Government assistance is very limited, and many dread welfare. Their partner may control all the money, and they may have no access to cash, checks or important documents.
Fear: Fear of being alone, fear of losing their children, but most of all, fear of the abuser. They may believe their spouse to be all-knowing, and see no real way to protect themselves. Many of those fears are justifiable. If they, or even a neighbor, report the abuse to the police, the abuser will often take revenge upon them. Often, they are so terrified that they will deny the abuse when questioned, for fear of getting it worse if anyone were to found out. Some are afraid that if they report the crime, or tell of the abuse, the abuser might lose their job, which may be the only source of income for the family.
Isolation: The abuser is often the only psychological support system for the victim, because the abuser has destroyed all outside relationships. They may have no idea that services are available and they may feel trapped. Religious counselors, general helping agencies, law enforcement and judicial officials are not social workers. They may not be trained in the complexities of battering. Medical personnel often do not identify battered victims. The abuser often threatens to kill them, their children, and anyone else if they report the abuse, cutting off communication with potential help. Relatives get tired of helping, time after time, giving them a place to stay, etc. The average victim leaves the relationship seven times before completely leaving for good. Having no one to talk to, they often don’t even see themselves as being abused.
Low Self-Esteem: Over time, victims begin to believe what the abuser says about them. Being in an abusive relationship for a long period of time can cause depression. Severely depressed people cannot take action, not even to help themselves. Often the abuser is violent only with them, which leads the victim to believe that they've done something wrong. They often accept the reasoning that “they deserve the punishment” or that the abuser was just too drunk to know what they were doing. Some people believe that if they could just improve themselves or stop making mistakes that the abuse will stop.
Social Stigmas: Others can’t understand why any self-respecting person would stay in an abusive situation. They may be too embarrassed to admit what is going on behind closed doors. They believe they have no power to change the situation.
Beliefs About Marriage: Religious and cultural beliefs that God or society demand that they stay loyal & maintain the marriage. Often they stay for the sake of the children needing the other parent and wanting to keep the family together.
Personal Beliefs: Victims are often still in love with their abuser. They believe the abuser to be all-powerful and able to find them wherever they go. Many of their fears about the abuser are based in reality, since much of the violence exhibited by the abuser has already happened in the past.
Guilt: Their partner may make them feel guilty about how much it would hurt them, they can’t live without them, and would kill themselves if they left the relationship. They stay because of guilt, thinking it’s their fault.
Hope: They may have many memories of happy times together and hope those times will return. The abuser promises that the behavior will change, that they will never do it again, that they will get help, etc.